Q&A from A. Gostev regarding Veeam Universal License
Hi All
Anton Gostev from Veeam has created a Q&A regarding the new Veeam Universal License – Read it!
Q: Is socket-based licensing going away with the introduction of VUL?
A: No. Socket-based licensing will remain available for purchase and renewal, and there are no plans to discontinue it in the foreseeable future. Its price will continue to be adjusted periodically to account for the increasing VM density per socket due to host hardware advancements.
Q: How does VUL impact “gifted instances” included with socket-based licenses?
A: Gifted instances is a feature of the product, as opposed to a counter in the license file. Because of that, in 9.5 U4 they will continue to use edition-specific instance weights. However, we’re changing this logic in v10 to make gifted instances VUL-based, while still keeping their number intact (up to 6, based on your licensed socket count). This does mean that Standard and Enterprise edition users will be able to protect a few more workloads with gifted instances in v10.
Q: VUL is said to have more relaxed license merge rules, where it can be merged with a socket-based license of any edition. Since VUL is effectively Enterprise Plus edition, do such merged licenses enable additional functionality?
A: No. Just as before, it is still the socket license edition that continues to define platform capabilities level.
Q: I want VUL portability and full feature set. Is it possible to convert my existing Socket-based license to VUL?
A: Yes. Here’s the summary of all license conversion perks for the existing customers with Socket-based licenses:
- Conversion is done in conjunction with your Socket license renewal, and you will get VUL for the remainder of your existing contract + added years.
- Conversion does not cost anything extra: you just pay your regular socket license renewal price.
- You can buy up to two years of subscription at this renewal price.
- Sockets to VUL conversion ratio is based on the actual number of VMs you’re protecting. In other words, you name the conversion ratio (up to 15:1).
- Regardless of your Socket license edition, you will get “Enterprise Plus” edition with VUL – because VUL only comes in a single, fully featured edition.
Q: If VUL comes in Enterprise Plus edition only, what is the cheapest Veeam offering now? It used to be VIL Essentials Standard Edition.
A: It’s Veeam Backup Starter, which keeps the same low price of USD 400/yr for 10 instances and feature set of the former Standard Edition. This package is designed primarily to be an upgrade path for Community Edition users who require a support contract and/or need to protect more workloads.
Q: What does VUL mean for Veeam Agents pricing?
A: VUL effectively slashes agent price by 20%. In absolute numbers, the cost to protect 1 Server (or 3 Workstations) with Veeam Agent went down from USD 150/yr to USD 120/yr.
Q: What does VUL mean for Veeam Essentials pricing?
A: VUL Essentials keeps the price of the former VIL Essentials Enterprise edition (USD 80/yr per instance), but now comes with Enterprise Plus edition feature set!
Q: I have a VIL license now. How can I upgrade to VUL to get those Enterprise Plus edition features?
A: VIL customers will be upgraded to VUL when they renew their existing license, or when they purchase more Instances, or at the latest upon general availability of Veeam Backup & Replication v10 – when all existing VIL customers will be provided with VUL for v10 for the remainder of their contract.